Warning! Warning! Warning! This is the annual Winter Whine!
I am allowed one whine per season. There is not a lot to whine about in the
other three seasons. OK. In spring round here who isn’t afraid of tornadoes.
Summer gets too hot. That’s it. Fall is delicious. I see no reason to whine
about fall unless it rains too much, and I don’t care about that a lot either.
But when it comes to winter, I am very opinionated! Like It’s TOO DANG COLD! If
I wanted cold I’d be living elsewhere, like Alaska. I have lived there. I have
done that. I do not want to do it again. Yet, Oklahoma delivers unto us cold,
and sleet, and ice, and snow, and all I can say is STOP IT! I want spring,
tornadoes or not. I want green, and I don’t care that I have to pay some fix-it
guy a fortune to make my lawnmower run again. I like sitting on the lawnmower
and mowing grass in the summer. It makes me feel good.
But right now, it’s winter. It’s cold. Winter has snowed me
in twice so far, causing me to be stuck at home developing a super case of
cabin fever. And what happens when I get cabin fever? Shopping! Lots of
shopping! The next shopping trip is Saturday, right before the next snow storm
according to the weatherman. Another snow storm!?! Are you kidding!?! No.
Apparently not.
During the last snow-in, Darling Daughter and I texted a
lot. She wanted to know what it was like here. I wanted to know what it was
like there. She was snowed in more than me, and told me so in no uncertain terms
what she thinks of winter. At least she didn’t tell me in words a child can’t
say to a mother, or that can be published for polite society although I’m sure
she used them. To tell the truth, I may have used a few of those non-polite
words myself. Hear us Mother Nature. We are tired of winter. Take it away.
OK. We will admit there are a few winter benefits. One – I
am so sick of my regular winter clothes I have begun digging into the unreachable
areas of my closets (yes that’s a plural) to find those winter clothes I’d
forgotten about. I’m wearing some today. That’s nice. On Sunday I got such a
bad base of cabin fever I went looking for jewelry I’d forgotten I had. Found
it too. It was almost as good as a shopping trip. Two - then there’s my answer to the cold. That’s
called sleep. If I were a bear I would hibernate all winter long. Almost do so anyway. I love bundling up under
two or three blankets with a house cat and house dog curled up beside me and
sleeping the cold away. Did so just last night although I must apologize to
house dog Penny, who I accidentally kicked out of bed during a long stretch.
Sorry Penny. Last night’s hibernation was so great I overslept by an hour and a
half, which means the KXMX crew is calling for this blog right now. Oops. Sorry
again. Blame it on winter
But good grief. The door to March opens. And
spring follows just three weeks hence. We can hardly wait. All I ask of March
is that if it opens like a lion then that lion pick up some wind speed and blow
all the leaves in my yard out and away somewhere so I don’t have to rake and
burn. Then I’ll be happy and plant my garden. I can hardly wait!