Just got to give Sutherlands Lumber and Home Improvement in Fort Smith a Great Big Thank You.
Last weekend I jumped on the internet to search out the Sutherlands ad. Since entering semi-retirement I have become obsessed with building a little garden for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Did not realize at that time that such a project was going to be a bit expensive, or a bit more than a little bit expensive. But, as I also love to shop, I had shopped around and found that Sutherlands has a really nice selection of garden plants. Still, a sale on such garden plants would be helpful.
What I found was Sutherlands‘ Facebook page, where they post a contest occasionally. ‘What the heck,” I thought. “What could it hurt?’ I never win anything. Wasn’t too excited.
On Monday, here came an email. “Congratulations,” it said.
‘Congratulations for what?’ I wondered.
Then it hit me. Could I possible have won Sutherlands’ contest for $200 worth of trees and shrubs?
Yep. I did. I was so excited I couldn’t even sleep that night. Now remember, I never win anything. Well, a couple things. When I was a teenager, I won a basket of groceries in a Christmas contest. My family was all excited until we realized those groceries were kind of stale. They’d been sitting out through the whole contest. Stale bread did not excite my mother. About 20 years ago I won a ceiling fan in a 4-H fundraiser. That ceiling fan is still going. Thank you 4-H!
And now I was offered $200 worth of trees and shrubs. Wow! Invited Darling Daughter to help me make my choices and off we raced to Sutherlands.
I calculated all I needed was a couple peach trees and a rose bush or two and I’d be done. Hahahaha! Did I mention Sutherlands’ also has some good prices? After two hours of search and “Just Put It in the Cart” advice from Darling Daughter, I had two peach trees, a couple azaleas, a rose bush, and some bedding plants, had filled up a shopping cart, and I thought I was done.
Darling Daughter advised, “That’s not enough.”
She was right. Only had about $100 worth. Back we went to lawn and garden.
The Sutherlands staff was amazing and as helpful as can be to an indecisive grandma – Me.
OK. I bought nearly all the peach trees Sutherlands had. I left one. I now have azalea bushes in all colors available. Found a gorgeous Carolina jasmine plant. (Killed that last one I had, but I have fallen in love with jasmine. Turns out they are tropical.) And Darling Daughter talked me into a gardenia, which, I admit, scares me, but if it and I can get along, should be spectacular.
As Sutherlands’ closing time neared, and lawn-and-garden employees chuckled at my inability to decide from the many choices that they offer, I just started tossing anything and everything into our carts. Yes. It was more than one cart. I was more than two carts. Darling Daughter and I left Sutherlands with four carts full of lovely, beautiful plants and trees.
I can’t say enough good stuff about Sutherlands. The employees were terrific, super nice, and helpful to the extreme. And they laughed right along with Darling Daughter and me as we struggled to make our selections. I can only explain that I had so much trouble making my decisions because the choices were so many and so rich.
My Grandchildren’s’ Garden is well on the way to completion, thanks to Sutherlands. Thank you, thank you, thank you. (And when does that next contest start?)
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