Well, now that my NFL football season is over, what to do next?
None of my favorite teams made it into the Super Bowl over the past championship weekend. Son texted me and asked, “Who is going to win the Super Bowl?”
I texted back, “I don’t care. Oh I’ll watch it, after I make and eat the cheese dip. But I’m only interested in seeing the new commercials. And maybe the half-time show.”
Yep, that means the Cowboys, the Broncos, the Texans, the Chiefs, the Packers are all out! I picked a bunch of teams to support, but wouldn’t you know. None of them made it to the Super Bowl.
So, to celebrate not caring who wins the Super Bowl, I thought we might hear from the losers in past years. At least they make me laugh. Here you go. . .
John McKay is the BEST!
-“Kickers are like horse manure. They are all over the place.”
-When asked about his teams’ execution, McKay said, “I’m in favor of it.”
-About coaching an expansion team, “You do a lot of praying but most of the time the answer is ‘No.’”
- “Well, we’ve determined that we can’t win at home and we can’t win on the road. What we need is a neutral site.”
-“We didn’t tackle well today but we made up for it by not blocking.”
-“Emotion is highly overrated in football. My wife Corky is emotional as hell but can’t play football worth a damn.”
-"If you have everyone back from a team that lost 10 games, experience isn't too important."
- A genius in the NFL is a guy who won last week."
-"Opening games make me nervous. To tell you the truth, I'd rather open with our second game."
And then there’s former coach John Madden turned sports broadcaster, who I dearly loved to hear call a game. Madden is the funniest. He said. . .
-“I always used to tell my players that we are here to win! And you know what? When you don't win, you lose.”
-“Don’t do anything great if you can’t handle the congratulations.”
-“The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for the players to break.”
-“Here’s a guy who can use his arms and legs at the same time.”
-“When your arm gets hit, the ball is not going to go where you want it to.”
-“If you win a Super Bowl before you're fired, you're a genius, and everyone listens to you. But a coach is just a guy whose best class in grammar school was recess and whose best class in high school was P.E. I never thought I was anything but a guy whose best class was P.E.”
-“Here's a guy who when he runs, he moves faster.”
-“Ninety percent of the game is half mental.”
-“The biggest gap in sports? The difference between the winner and the loser of the Super Bowl.”
No, I don’t care who wins the Super Bowl, as long as it’s not the Patriots. Son had pretty much the same opinion. All he texted back was “Hey, I want some cheese dip!”