The New Year has never been one of my top 10 holidays to celebrate. I much prefer Christmas, the Fourth of July, Thanksgiving, my kids’ birthdays.
In fact, I have trouble staying up until midnight on New Year’s Eve. And the older I get, and I’m getting pretty old, the harder it is. I’m usually asleep by 10 p.m. and miss all the hullabaloo about a new year.
Age doesn’t have anything to do with New Year’s resolutions. I never made any resolutions cause I knew I’d never keep them past Jan. 2. I did look up a few resolutions on the ‘net to see who was doing what. They made me laugh because they are so un-keepable.
1. Give up chocolate. That’s a joke, right? That is NOT going to happen. Chocolate is good for you.
2. Spend less than an hour a day on the internet. What!?! Give up my lifeline to the rest of the world? No way!
3. Lose weight. At my age, who cares? Even my doctor agrees.
4. Not tell the same story over and over to my friends. Well, if they will just remind me that I’ve already told that story, once or twice or thrice, then I’ll shut up. It’s an age thing.
5. Write the great American novel. Hey! I’m working on it, OK?
6. Exercise. See #3.
7. Be positive and less sarcastic. Yeah, like that’s gonna’ last past Jan. 2.
8. Stop making lists. I cannot live without my lists. I make lists of my lists. It is impossible to grocery shop without a list. If I didn’t have my grocery list I would starve to death.
9. Learn another language. Why? English is hard enough.
10. Take a Senior Citizens class at the community college. Sounds good, but I would have to get up off that couch to do that.
11. Be financially responsible. Uh, where’s the fun in that?
12. Doctor the house cat for fleas at least once a week. No! That cat bites, and scratches, then messes with my computer, and calls me horrible cat names when I get out the flea spray.
13. Jump out of bed and get to work immediately. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! More coffee please.
14. Take a vitamin daily. Can’t remember what day it is, much less remember to take a vitamin. Don’t remember where I put them anyway.
15. Stop procrastinating. I’ll have to put that one off until tomorrow.
One writer refused to make a resolution because he/she “is already perfect.” I’m not perfect. I’m just sleepy and a bit tired. And I don’t want to make resolutions. They are so out of style.
Instead, for 2017, I will make wishes. I wish happiness and health for all my family, friends and those who deserve it. I wish to spend all my time with my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, who are, of course, perfect.
And I wish the very best for all who visit (or don’t) here for 2017. Happy New Year.
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