Sally in The MIX

Friday, October 24, 2014

Confessions of a Football-Crazed Grandma

I must confess the condition I’m in, a condition that may not afflict other grandmas and great-grandmas. Or maybe I’ll be surprised. Who knows?

My confession is, I am in love with Peyton Manning. Must warn my kids to not flip out on that confession. In fact, he is a bit younger than my kids, so it’s OK my darling children. I warn my wonderful sons that I am not in love with the quarterbacks of their favorite teams – the Chicago Bears and Green Bay Packers. Yeah, those teams are kinda good, and the Packers quarterback is sort of cute too. But I’m not in love with those teams, or for that matter I’m not in love with the Denver Broncos, for whom charming Manning tosses a football. I just think Manning is exceptional, which he proved again this week by defeating the San Diego Chargers. As I watched that game, and listened to the exuberant broadcasters, it did not escape my notice that, as the voices remarked, we were watching one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time and a future NFL Hall of Fame member, the quarterback who has thrown the most touchdown passes ever!

For the uninitiated, NFL is the National Football League. It may seem odd that I, a grandma and great-grandma now, am a NFL football fanatic. I rejoice on that first Sunday every September when my favorite sport to watch returns to the TV. But I come by my NFL addition honestly. Got it straight from my Dad, then channeled through my hubby, and finally sparked by sons.

Dad was the best football instructor. We watched every Sunday. Mom didn’t stay around. Dad was the sports fan and lived by the radio when it broadcast both football and baseball games. When the NFL made it to TV, that’s where we were on any Sunday. One of my favorite childhood memories was hanging out with Dad watching football on Sunday afternoons. Dad always had a snack, usually cheese and crackers, the crumbs of which often fell to the carpet, where they stayed. That’s because Mom wasn’t around. But we lived in the country. That big old country house had mice. Those mice knew where to go for cheese and crackers on Sundays. Yep. Right at Dad’s feet. Now every member of my family is an animal lover, even Dad. So instead of jumping up and trying to dispatch those mice, Dad just kept feeding them. I watched, cause they were so cute. In fact, they almost became tame and our house pets. At one point in time, Mom got upset with the invading varmints and set out mouse traps. But, when she wasn’t around, if I heard a trap snap, I ran to liberate the trapped mouse. After all, it may have been one of Dad’s football Sunday pets. But what happened was our country home became inhabited by the strangest bunch of crippled mice ever seen. Well that trap was awful. It broke their little legs, or snapped off their little tales. And that just made Dad and I love them more, so Dad kept feeding them, while I imagined I was Disney’s Cinderella for whom those mice would make a magnificent ball gown some day. That was my favorite movie when I was small.

Nurtured by Dad, my love of football continued into marriage, where we both shared a fondness for the game. As children, especially sons, arrived, I grew even more attuned to football, a liking shared by my boys. It continues to this day, and one son texts he can’t stand Peyton Manning cause he beat his Bears, and the other son sends texts to me that his Green Bay Packers are gonna’ eat Peyton’s lunch. Oh yeah. You better watch out. That Super Bowl isn’t too far away. But hey, Peyton and the Broncos made it to the Super Bowl last year, and it was a fiasco. But things improve (Hopefully the defense!) and it may be that the Broncos are on the way again.

Funny, as I scrounged my mind to decide what to write about this week, for those few devoted readers (Thank You So Much!) I couldn’t remember anything worth telling about The Lunch Bunch, who have been pretty tame lately. Really ladies! Let’s get going! Even my critters seem to be tired out and sound asleep. I thought about those monarch butterflies whose flight paths take them right over us. That’s amazing. But I don’t know much about butterflies, even though I’d like to. Then brain kicked into gear. ‘Write about what you know,’ it told me. And today, that would be Peyton Manning and football.

Grandmas and great-grandmas unite, and yell “Go Peyton!”

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